Laptop time?


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
So for work purposes the laptops are 6th version of the X1 YoGI. According to the Lendovo site they have version 8 already. :(
I don't know what Surfaces they have, but for starters they have a special power supply jack and only two USB ports. The X1 is like a little smaller brick than the old ones (smaller Bezel), but still quite heavy.
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I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
What is normal for battery drain? My personal laptop (assembled in June 2023) loses more than I like. It's down roughly 10% in less than a week. I need to test more accurately, but is that normal and what can be done?

I don't have use for the laptop at home because it has no Ethernets. Is there any way to turn on such a laptop remotely (5 feet away)?
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Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
I think I can get 6 hours off a charge on my X1E if I keep the screen turned down. I don't ever really let it sit idle in a bag though.


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
The problem with letting a laptop sleep in a bag is that Microsoft forces some newer sleep standards than plain ol' S3, meaning the WiFi hardware will wake up every so often, connect, and update some things. If you've ever noticed your laptop was rather hot and used a ton of battery while it was asleep when you pulled it out of your bag, this is why. I think what happens, being charitable, is that someone might close the laptop while they're on AC, putting it into the higher-tech sleep mode which doesn't matter since it's on AC, and then unplug it -- the laptop never gets the memo that it's supposed to shunt into S3 from there to save battery, because I've never noticed this behavior when I outright just close it while on battery.

I'm on Linux and I'm on an old MBP with 85% of the design capacity remaining, so my figures are likely worthless to you, but I manage around 6h on battery depending on what I'm doing. I haven't measured battery leakage while in sleep as I expect that'd take too long and I'm too impatient. Suffice to say it does what I need it to do.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
I think I can get 6 hours off a charge on my X1E if I keep the screen turned down. I don't ever really let it sit idle in a bag though.
The YoGI doesn't seem to have very good battery life even though it is from Q2 2022, not that I care too much for work. I have a 10Ah battery in my office bag if it needs an extra boost.

I practically never use my personal laptop on battery. Part of the reason is the stupid display issue.
I wish the battery could be removed completely, but it probably would act up. Before the Fujitsu left the North America, they had ordering options for a smaller battery but it would throttle down unless plugged in.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
The problem with letting a laptop sleep in a bag is that Microsoft forces some newer sleep standards than plain ol' S3, meaning the WiFi hardware will wake up every so often, connect, and update some things. If you've ever noticed your laptop was rather hot and used a ton of battery while it was asleep when you pulled it out of your bag, this is why. I think what happens, being charitable, is that someone might close the laptop while they're on AC, putting it into the higher-tech sleep mode which doesn't matter since it's on AC, and then unplug it -- the laptop never gets the memo that it's supposed to shunt into S3 from there to save battery, because I've never noticed this behavior when I outright just close it while on battery.
I sometimes leave my work laptop on after an morning TEAMS meeting at home and it sure is warm when I open the sleeve in the offices, but otherwise it took forever to boot. The newer (version 6) one is usable after about 1.5 minutes so I may just power down.

I'm trying to figure out how to use my new personal 1360P at home, rather than just a few times per year. I'm not seeing any way to turn it on without opening. :( I'd like to squirrel it away under a desk or somewhere that doesn't consume real estate on top of a desk or table.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
I'm trying to figure out how to use my new personal 1360P at home, rather than just a few times per year. I'm not seeing any way to turn it on without opening.

I think this is pretty obvious but can't you just go in to power options and set "Do nothing when lid is closed and system is plugged in" under your power profile? You'd just have to open it to turn it on the first time.

My stack of back to school laptops this year are Lenovo Ideapad 1 R3 7320U 8GB 250GB models. They're around $320 apiece and I only hate them a little, and almost all the hate is just due to the fact that they have a condensed number pad. Numpads don't belong on notebooks. Typing off-center from the screen messes up my typing accuracy pretty substantially. Other than that, they aren't bad. They're light but well constructed and have a nice touchpad and bright screen, and if the R3 is a touch slower than the i3 version on a per-core basis, the Ryzen is 4c/8t and lowers the price on the system by about $50 compared to Intel. The hardware is the absolute floor of what I'd expect from a new notebook, but at least we're finally in the place where I can always expect 8GB RAM and 250GB SSD in my $300-ish product. FINALLY.

The back to school laptop deal is something weird one of my customers asks me to do, but it does mean I spend more time trying to find the best product I can from the mass of vomit-grade consumer laptops.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
Children have small fingers and unformed brains; I'm sure they can easily adapt to anything on a cheap laptop. Around here the public school kids are supposedly on the Google laptops of Chrome.